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Astoria: Fate's Kiss
Astoria - Title
Release Date July 10, 2015
Movie Astoria: Fate's Kiss Intro

Astoria Fate's Kiss Icon

Astoria: Fate's Kiss is a romance simulation game by Voltage Entertainment USA, Inc. It was made in conjunction with AmeMix, and is currently available on iOS and Android.


Monsters living among humans can be a dangerous matter... Good thing your agency exists to keep them in line. With big dreams and an even bigger heart, you aspire to climb the agency's ladder until one day, five mythical beings ask for your help!

"You don't know anything about monsters... yet."

People have always feared them, but... will you be the one to unlock the secrets to their cases... and their hearts?

The Characters[]

Main Characters[]

Hydra []

An on-the-run criminal with harsh words and a cold look in his eyes.


She's an enigmatic ex-gangster who is on your agency's most wanted list. However, Medusa is haunted by her past days...


The god of the underworld. The eldest brother of Poseidon and Zeus. He founded H.E.R.A with Aphrodite and your mother. He mainly works on Olympus, though will occasionally come to earth to deal with issues regarding the gates to the underworld.


He's kind and will do anything to help you.


His wording is artistic and stylish, but he cares for you as well.

Alex Cyprin[]

Your boss, they are knowledgeable and straightforward. They care for you as any best friend would, and tend to do work overtime in the office.


A poetic titan with an enigmatic aura about him, he's there for you when no one else is.

Minor Characters[]

May Chan[]

Your best friend. She's present in almost any route and is bubbly and blunt. At times she can be harsh, but she's the friend that just wants the best for you.


He is your older brother who raised you after your mother's death. He works as a chef at a restaurant that you visit often. He is very supportive and always there for you.


The ever demanding leader of the pantheon, does not care much for humans and will obsess over Hera at random.Only cares about himself he is really harsh with a selective memory.


God of the sea. Hades and Zeus' brother. Serves as a mediator in Hades route.


The goddess of love and mother to Alex Cyprin. She helped found H.E.R.A with Hades and your mother. Aphrodite appears the most in Hades and Cyprin's routes.


The goddess of spring. Zeus and Demeter's daughter. She is Hades secretary. She is very friendly and supportive. Persephone apears the most in Hades and Cerberus' routes.


The messenger god and gatekeeper of the Underworld. He is most present in Cerberus' route and is firm but playful in his ways. He's most known for how fast a runner he is.


Coming soon...|}|}
